Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I know, it's been ages since we blogged... so... about 2 weeks ago, we received 11 inches of snow. It was amazing... and beautiful, and gave just about everyone a 2 day snow vacation. The fun parts of the blowing snow gave us 5 foot drifts along the south wall of our house and packed the snow with about a 6 foot radius around the mailbox. Our mailman literally climbed up the mountain to give us mail. That lasted a day or so; and then he just put it into the church's box. It was fun times!
So, last weekend, we have several days of high 30s and 40 degrees... so some of it melted, the snow piles just condensed...
And that brings us to today... Snowfall! We are expected to get another 10-18 inches by Christmas night... yes, snowing through Christmas. It's beautiful... fluffy and way fun to sit inside and watch...
And we love our snow removal crew from church... Hats are continually off for B, R and P. For your snowblowers, snowplows, snow shovels and other many tools that you love to use on big projects!
A very Merry Christmas to each of you! Blessed holidays, and safe travels!