Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Down to the last details

Opening night is Friday!!! This Friday!!! Hard to believe that this journey of Suzanne Gold-Stein began only 6 weeks ago... and in 10 short days, her life will go to someone else; and leave me! For anyone who's done theater, they know how the life of the character begins to seep into your every day life... you begin to have the grey lines as to whom is who. Lines from the script infiltrate your daily vocabulary... not that I walk around saying Haftorah (haf TOR ahh); but other lines that just make sense to say... "I wish it weren't so complicated... this is complicated." for instance...
Never the less... we are ready... we've had 2 dress rehearsals, with cosutmes, makeup, lights and sound.. with one more on Thursday; before opening night. S came to one dress rehearsal, with my aunt and uncle was was very impressed by the production. It was very reassuring to know that my commitment to this production has not been a waste... it's theological, ethical, moral and societal in all of it's dimensions...
And it's time consuming... last night, as I was dressed and ready to go, I found myself standing downstage of the Gold-Stein's apartment... admiring the decor, the set, the whole living room; and putting myself into Suzanne as much as I could... Rob entered, adjusted a pendant light and stood there with me... we like our place... it's a safe place; and it truly allowed me to thrust myself into Suzanne; and leave myself at the doors... and in return; I left Suzanne on stage; and brought myself home... exhausted and exhilirated.
If you haven't bought tickets yet... it's not too late... Click on the tickets option and the email will be recieved. Shows are 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoons. Well worth your time...
The Media blitz has been this week as well. R and I were on 2 TV stations on Monday; and then we'll be in the Hastings Tribune on Wednesday or Thursday. The photographer joined us last night during our rehearsal.
I'm so glad I showed up for auditions... opportunity of a lifetime.
Next winter: The Crucible!

1 comment:

Kari said...

I am so proud, and I'm completely crushed I can't be there. I know you're gonna knock their socks off (thank you Munchkin director, wherever you are)!