Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Moving to Hastings, Nebraska

So, on top of the deployment/non-deployment of my sister; the other exciting/big/suprising news of our lives is the decision to move to Hastings, Nebraska. Steven has accepted a call to serve as pastor at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Hastings. www.lcgs-hastings.com
We have spent the better part of the year in conversation, prayer and relationship with them, in order to best determine what their needs are for a new leader; and our needs for the next congregation for Steven to serve.
We hope, with the help and guidance of God and the Holy Spirit, that LCGS is the place for us to be. The most difficult part was last week, as Steven prepared an eloquent letter to our current members, telling them of his decision and the work of the Holy Spirit which is guiding him in a new direction. I'm incredibly proud to say that he is my husband... it's been a delight to walk with him through this journey!
So, we will depart from Stanton County on September 22, after saying our adieus and bidding our friends and family farewell... The journey never ceases to amaze us... and although we're given a few of the directions to how it will lead us... trust and guidance is about all we can go on... there is not GPS created for the life of ministry in the church.

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