Saturday, January 3, 2009

The New Year

New Year's Eve, we found ourselves at a W & G's house... along with my aunt and uncle. Our original plans included D & C, but they had a quick family obligation to respond to. (Our prayers are with them and their family).
This was a first for us... we'd never been invited to join anyone for New Year's Eve before. Strange thought, I realize... we gathered around 7 p.m., chatted, had dinner and celebrated my aunt's birthday (Jan. 1). I think she believes that all of the New Year's fuss is for her! j/k! Dessert came and we headed home around 11 p.m. in time to see the ball drop. (We had celebrated at 10 p.m., pretending we lived in Nova Scotia). I immediately headed to bed and Steven stayed up.
Now, we've both agreed that New Years day is something of an anomoly... so the celebration is the night before; and I suppose party revelers need an entire day to recouperate... but for those of us who aren't such party animals... the day is a bit long and boring.
Albeit we did watch bits and pieces of the NU bowl game... enough to know what happened... but other than that, boredom was a bit of something to fight off. We took in the fair weather with a walk, and got lots of chores done...
So, the reason for this blog??? I need stimulation... holidays falling on a Thursday make for a VERY long weekend; and after two weeks of this working 2 1/2 days, I'm getting restless. I know... my boredom is quickly ending, with play rehearsal around the corner, on Monday... and maybe in a month, I'll lament my slow time... but until then... I made three necklaces yesterday, and I'm sure I'll find something else to create today...
Maybe it's back to the scrapbooking, as I've realized that there aren't that many more pages to be done to catch up with our fmaily book...
Our prayers do continue with the Trinity family, on the death of the secretary's daughter in law on new year's eve... she was tragically killed in a 2 car accident in the area... cannot even imagine...

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