Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Wrap-Up

I am happy to report that all Peeler's are well and alive and surviving... and our guests made it to their home destination safely... It was a fantastic visit, although my sister just breezed in and out; we had a delightful time... even got in a very CALM and enjoyable Monopoloy game between the Dad, sister and myself... no blood was shed. That might be a first. Of course, Dad won... but then again, Steph and I could have placed money on that one.
Dad and I spent Friday out in the garage, arranging boxes and getting things put into more logical places now that we've been here a while and have a better sense of our use of items. The weather reached in the 50s, the snow was melting rapidly and the grill was smoking a brisket for dinner. Who could complain?
Dad left on Saturday; I took off to check out downtown sales and stop into B&B to visit C; while Steven worked on today's sermon. I also popped into Stuff-mart for a brief overview of the Christmas leftovers and to check out the Cricut selection... my Christmas present from my sister. It's a scrapbooking tool... way too much fun!
Today, Steven had his first two baptisms of two boys... way too adorable for their own good. It was great to have a large crowd for post-Christmas Sunday, which is usually a light attendance.
We spent the afternoon lounging, getting out in the 40 degree weather for a walk; and trying out Steven's new remote control airplane.
As I've now come to hear that others are reading this blog... maybe I started it for my own journaling... never actually thinking others would care about what goes on in my world... I've realized that it is reaching others...
Christmas was a great week for us, despite the under the weather feelings. Reconnecting with my dad, growing up and showing him that we are managing adulthood fine is actually quite a privelege... I think he's proud to see Steven and I managing our world... and he was delighted to see the new house, and C & G... it had been years since he'd spent time with them.
Of course, every holiday allows me to see new nuances of family structures and family dynamics... I'm continually amazed at how folks interact and react with and to each other... I adore my family and am very grateful at our relative healthiness of it all!
And so, we continue to celebrate the gift of Christ... who comes into our lives without our doing or asking... and manages to love and protect us... despite who we are... It's so much more of WHO'S WE ARE... than WHO WE ARE!!!

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