Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In Like a Lamb; Out Like a Lion

RRRRRRRR! You got it. Spring is predictable; ok, I should say that March is predictable, Spring is not. Yesterday, I took in a fantastic walk around the park with temperatures around 50 degrees. Today, we awoke to blowing snow and temperatures hovering around 30. But it's spring, it's Nebraska and it's March 31. March came in beautifully, if any of us can remember back to March 1. So, it would only make sense that it's going to go out with a bang. Why complain? The weather will level out, be more consistently gorgeous and we'll have plenty of time to enjoy it... in the meantime, hold off on your garden "To-Do" list and enjoy the serenity of doing NOTHING!
S and I had the most delightful visit with T & S last night... A lovely couple who have 4 four-legged's that they call 'kids.' 2 cats, 2 dogs (really overgrown puppies who haven't calmed down yet). And wonderfully, they live not too far from us. I think I might have found a nearby walking partner to drag outside in the great weather.
So... we've been here 6 months, hard to believe; as it's really seemed like forever; due to how quickly we acclamated to our surroundings and dove into the community. And it's been 6 years since our first date. Again, it seems like so much longer that we've been in each others lives; and yet, it's just a fraction of our time on earth... but so many years to come is the excitement that lies ahead.
This post really has very little purpose except to defend Mother Nature and everyone who's giving her a bad reputation for being so brutal after such lovely spring days... but that's what we get. And we should be prepared... our snow shovel is STILL on the front porch. Never know!

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